Joeys 5 to 7yrs: Wednesdays 4.30pm-6.00pm
Cubs 8 to 10yrs: Mondays 6.00pm-7.30pm & Wednesdays 6.30pm-8.00pm
Scouts 11 to 14yrs: Wednesdays 6.30pm-8.30pm
Venturers 15 to 17yrs: Fridays 7.00pm-9.00pm
Rovers 18 to 25yrs: Sundays from 7.00pm
These ages can vary be around 6 months. IE: around 11yrs you can join Scouts.
You are welcome to come and try for free and existing members are always welcome to bring a friend to try Scouting - Kedron Scouts Come and Try Form.
Contact us or just turn up on the night to meet the Leader and experience scouting with Kedron Scouts.