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Scouting Excellence Badge 2018

Kedron Scouts were recently presented with the Scouting Excellence Award Badges for 2018 having scored Gold in every section.

Each section was measured against a set of delivery categories. The Scouting Excellence Award is evaluated at a section level, so each Scout can feel they have contributed to promoting and participating in the Scouting program in their local community. The Excellence Award consists of three levels - Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Points were awarded on how the sections fared with maximum points given to all of Kedron¹s five sections - Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts (Monday and Wednesday), Scouts, Venturer Scouts and Rovers.


Kedron Scouts Grey Wolf

The categories measured were:

  • Category A ­ Membership retention and trained Adult Leaders
  • Category B ­ “The Adventure Begins” preparation for Youth Program Review
    1. Inter-section Activities, including SPICES and the Scout Method
    2. Youth Leading Adults supporting ­ using the process of Plan-Do-Review
    3. Section Councils implemented and operational
  • Category C ­ Activities undertaken to meet the Youth Members needs, including and participating in Adventurous Activities and the Community.
Kedron Venturers
Kedron Scouts to Jamboree 2019
Kedron Rovers 2018

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